Blogger tells me that I lasted posted on October 4th, so I think that officially makes me a complete and utter failure at this whole thing, but to be honest I've kind of enjoyed having a bit of a break. I know I don't have a huge audience or anything like that but I still like to provide my readers with some sort of 'quality' content that I hope you'll enjoy. But, that kind of means that when I don't have anything I feel is interesting enough to post, I don't really post anything at all. Or I do, then I delete it because it's lame. Same outcome in the end, though.

But I seem to have finally found the inspiration to start blogging again so, uh, welcome back, I guess.

I suppose I should start with a bit of a 'life-update.'

I've finished my first year of university study, which is, frankly, terrifying. I can't believe it's done, just like that! I am really enjoying journalism and though I'm finding it more challenging that entertainment industries, I feel like I've started to find my footing, and I can now safely say that writing is the thing I want to make a career out of. In terms of specialisation, I'm now trying to choose between continuing my fashion major, or moving into something like art and design history. I just want to learn about everything, it's so frustrating having to choose.

I have very few plans for my summer break! I am taking French lessons and working a couple of jobs. Apart from that I like to lie on my couch and watch television. It's a very fulfilling lifestyle.

Hopefully I'll be heading down to Sydney for a few days early next year to see the Francis Bacon and Alexander the Great exhibitions and shoOoOoOoOop til I droOoOoOoOop.

Anyyyway, if you made it through all that, then congrats, and here is an outfit post to reward you for your efforts.

 t-shirt - sportsgirl
shorts - topshop
blazer - mink pink
bag - no idea (old)

The culmination of spending all my money on my Alexa (so worth it), my 'poor student' status, my desperate attempts to save as much as I can for a study exchange and a voracious appetite for extremely expensive international fashion magazines has resulted in my current wardrobe looking like some kind of over-the-top ode to affordable and fast fashion. Literally, my biggest fear right now is running into someone wearing the same thing as me. To minimise the chances of this happening, I've tried to 'invest' (I don't think you can really call 'investing' though when the item in question cost twenty bucks) in simple and versatile pieces, like this white shirt. Despite my numerous attempts to destroy it with pizza, pomegranate and pumpkin, over the past few weeks it has become a go-to piece. With the insaaaanely hot temperatures that we've been having here, a paper-thin white shirt is comfortable without being sloppy.

In saying that, however, how great is the print on this blazer!? It fits in so well to my already extensive wardrobe of prints-to-be-clashed-together, including these beloved Topshop swan shorts. It's also perfect for summer, nice and light, and a simple way to dress up a more casual outfit without adding layers and layers of fabric.

Whewww, I obviously missed the writing side of blogging. I hope I didn't bore you to death! 

How do you guys dress for summer? Or are you going into winter right now? If so, I am reeeeaaaaallllllyyyy jealous!


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