blouse - vintage
dress - vintage/diy
bag - vintage
loafers - basque

This denim dress was originally a pair of overalls. I bought them in Melbourne for not much money and they were really cute but they were waaaay too big so I decided to diy them into a dress and chop them off a bit shorter. Now they should get some wear, although I think I'm going to chop them just a little bit shorter again because she shape is really quite boxy so I think it's a case of the shorter the better for them to look most flattering.

Sorry about the not-so-great quality photos. It has just been raining and raining and raining here and I haven't been able to get outside. My camera remote has also apparently stopped working, so I'm left with relying on my parents to take photos of me (too impatient for self timer) and my mum didn't get a chance to take these until about 6pm tonight, so the lighting was awful.

Too much writing, you don't care about the weather or my camera.

Have a great weekend!
