Aside from 'love means never having to say you're sorry' being one of the least true affirmations on love from a film, I unapologetically adore Love Story. It's one of the easiest films to get swept up in and I'm not sure if there is anything better than wailing over Jenny and Ollie under the doona with a hot cocoa in the middle of winter.
It goes virtually without saying that the character of Jenny Cavilleri is one of the best part of the movie. Brought to life by the beautiful Ali MacGraw, Jenny is one of my favourite heroines of all time. Intelligent, hilarious and sassy, Jenny carries herself through life with a sense of fearlessness I can only dream of.
"Listen, I need that goddamn book."
"Wouldja please watch your profanity, Preppie?"
"What makes you so sure I went to prep school?"
"You look stupid and rich."
"You're wrong, I'm actually smart and poor."
"Oh, no, Preppie. I'm smart and poor."
"What the hell makes you so smart?"
"I wouldn't go for coffee with you."
"Listen, I wouldn't ask you."
"That, is what makes you stupid."